On October 11, 2018 LiD-SIG’s Past Chair Praveen R. Arany BDS, MDS, MSc, PhD, with James Carroll, FRSM, Annette Quinn, RN, MSN, and others presented to the US Congressional Committee of Science, Space, & Technology chaired by the Hon. Lamar Smith of Texas. The focus of this presentation was on how the use of light based and other technologies are effective and safe alternative treatments for pain management. Annette Quinn, the Program Director of Radiation Oncology at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center discussed her research and outcomes on how the prevention and management of oral mucositis has shown significant efficacy in controlling and often eliminating this extremely painful side effect of radiation therapy for cancer. Dr. Arany and James Carroll discussed and reviewed the science and the need to fund continuing research. The outcome of this presentation lead to the inclusion of specific language in a new law (HR6, Public Law 115-271) that mandates examination of current evidences (clinical practice guidelines, insurance), further research and funding on alternative pain treatments.
Click on the image below to view a video of this presentation.