The LiD-SIG’s initial goal is to engage more dental and hygiene schools in discussions about incorporating comprehensive science based laser education as a part of each institutions’ core curriculum and clinical experiences. ADEA’s LiD-SIG members are continually working to create, update and disseminate a standard laser education curriculum. These laser curriculum guidelines are being created and updated in order to provide standardized training following evidence-based guidelines on the safe and effective use of lasers and light based technologies for all oral health education institutions around the world. The LiD-SIG also has the function of maintaining and promoting education on lasers and light based technologies and its use in Dentistry in ADEA’s program and activities.
One challenge the LiD-SIG is starting to overcome is the perception is that lasers and other light based technologies are just a “tool or device”, similar to a dental handpiece.
The major goal is to promote the education of lasers and other light based technologies, as well as, the underlying sciences of light energy and the photobiomodulation mechanisms that it elicits as physical or biologic responses. It is a primary goal of the LiD-SIG to educate the profession on this misconception.
The LiD-SIG and its membership are collaborating many of the other organizations with the same focus of promoting research, education, clinical applications, and the safe and effective use of lasers and light based technologies. These organizations include the ANSI Z136 Committee on Laser Safety, Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD), North American Academy for Photobiomodulation Therapy (NAALT), World Association for Photobiomodulation Therapy (WALT), and others. Several of the LiD-SIG members additionally serve in leadership positions in these and other related organizations and journals to assist in promoting these goals.